Before you start a MaxSus
migration consider if:
- All SAE’s are set properly?
- EMG’s are defined correctly?
- Migration of PRA devices requires GSD,
SNT, DIP and AG to be defined
- B-number analysis must be defined prior
to migration of SUS and SS
- EA analysis must be defined prior to
migration EA data
- IX data must be defined prior to
migration of ISDN-E subscribers
- All LI-devices within the groups shall be
added the same factor?
- All PRM-devices within the groups shall
be added the same factor?
- All EOS-devices within the groups shall
be added the same factor?
- Any SCL, SSTY or PROP needs to change
- Any SCL, SSTY or PROP needs to be added?
- Any SCL, SSTY or PROP needs to be
- Subscriber Class Request lists match your
- ISDNE Service Options Default Values
match your AS?
- Which commands to include or exclude?
- Is all NUMBER SERIES DATA defined prior
to migration or shall MaxSus generate EXNSI commands?
- Ignore all PBX data and use Figaro to
handle PBX to avoid loosing PBX groups where head number is not
connected to a LI device?
- Any SNB not connected to a LI-device?
(Handled manually or using Figaro)
- Activate notifications or make MaxSus
work alone while you are off duty?
- Pause migration if NOT ACCEPTED is
received or handle rejected commands from Error List?
- Activate acoustic alert on command
- Migrate directly to Terminal B or make DT
to transmit from Figaro?
- If you generate
DT’s – do you want to include print commands for Terminal A?